Favorite Linux commands

  • ls -List files and ddirectories. Use the -la flag for more details
  • cd [directory] - Change directory. This command can also be used double dots to go back one level cd .. or with dash cd - to go back to previous directory. cd ~ or cd to get to HOME directory and cd / to get to root directory.
  • mkdir [directory] -Make directory
  • rm [file | directory] removes a file of directory. If the directory is not empty. use the recursive flag -r
  • CTRL+l -Clear screen
  • CTRL+r -Find a previous command. Hit CTRL+r and start typing to find a command you have used before
  • whoami -Show the current user
  • sudo [command] -Run command as root
  • sudo su -Change user to root
  • find -name [name of file] -Find a file by name
  • grep -R ./ -e "[seach pattern]" -find files containing a word or pattern
  • cat [file name] -View content of file
  • df -h -shows available and used disk space on the Linux system
  • lsblk -List information about block devices and partitions
  • chmod +x [file name] -Makes file executable
  • grep - is used to filter output such as df -h | grep udev returns only one row from the df command
  • asw - spits an input into an array. For instance df -h | grep udev | awk '{print $2}' returns only the second column.

grep and awk sample

$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            315M     0  315M   0% /dev
tmpfs            91M  1.2M   90M   2% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p2   29G  4.8G   22G  18% /
tmpfs           454M  8.0K  454M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M   12K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p1  510M   75M  436M  15% /boot/firmware
tmpfs            91M   44K   91M   1% /run/user/1000

 $ df | grep udev
udev              322452       0    322452   0% /dev

$ df | grep udev | awk '{print $2}'

Favorite vi commands

vi or vim is a commonly used file editor, which can be complex to use, but here are a few commands to get you started.

  • To open a file with vi, type vi [file name]
  • To edit the content, hit i
  • To delete a row, hit d+d
  • To leave a mode (such as edit), hit ESC+ESC
  • To save your changes, hit w
  • To quit vi, hit w or wq to save and quit

Favorite less commands

less is a great tool for analyzing log files.

  • Open a log file, use sudo less /var/log/syslog. Use the -S flag to wrap long lines`
  • Use b to go backward one window
  • Use f to go forward one window
  • Use G to go to the end of file
  • Use g to go to the beginning of file
  • Use / to search forward
  • Use ? to search backward

Favorite systemctl commands

systemd is a software suite that provides an array of system components for Linux operating systems, such as daemons (services). systemctl is the tool you use to interact with systemd

  • systemctl start [daemon] starts a daemon
  • systemctl stop [daemon] stops a daemon
  • systemctl restart [daemon] re-starts a daemon
  • systemctl cat [daemon] view the service file
  • systemctl daemon-reload applies changes made to any service file.

Favorite journalctl commands

  • journalctl is also part of the systemd suite and helps you view logfile in real-time.

  • journalctl -u [service] -n [number of previous lines] -f .


journalctl -u microservicebus-node -n 100 -f
  • journalctl --since [date] show logs from specified date
  • journalctl --until [date] show logs until specified date


journalctl --since "2020-11-23" --until "2022-11-09 13:00"

journalctl --since yesterday --until "15 min ago"