Although come with version control, you might consider using tools you’re already familiar with such as GitHub or Azure DevOps.

GitHub and Azure Devops integrations are done on Organization level. It might therefor be more convinient to bind the source code provider to the ROOT Organization as all Scripts and Services will then become available for all other Organizations

Tip of the day: Unless you want to keep your Scripts and Services in a separate repo, create a directory in your source control for all mSB files.

Setting up version control for GitHub

Before you begin

  1. Log in to GitHub. From your profile menu, select Settings. Scroll down and select Developer settings and Personal access tokens. Click Generate new token. Give the token a name, set preferred expiration and select the following scopes:
    • repo:status
    • repo_deployment
    • public_repo
    • admin:repo_hook
  2. Click the Generate token button and copy the token

Edit GitHub settings in

  1. Open and navigate to your Organization. Scroll down to the “GitHub integration” feature and click the “Edit” button.
  2. Provide your access token, Repo and Branch
  3. If you’re not using a dedicated repo you should set the File pattern to match which files you want to bind. E.g. “\/SourceCode\/mSB-files\/” will bind all files in the /SourceCode/mSB-files directory.
  4. Save the settings be hitting the SAVE button.

This action will create GitHub Webhooks which will be available in your GitHub repo under Settings/Webhooks.

Setting up version control for AzureDevops

  1. Log in to Azure DevOps and select your instance and project. From the User settings menu (next to your profile) select Personal Access Tokens
  2. Give the token a name and select the following scopes:
    • Code - Read
  3. Click “Create” and copy the token.

Edit Azure DevOps settings in

  1. Open and navigate to your Organization. Scroll down to the “Azure DevOps integration” feature and click the “Edit” button.
  2. Provide your access token, Instance, Repo, Branch and Project.
  3. If you’re not using a dedicated repo you should set the File pattern to match which files you want to bind. E.g. “\/SourceCode\/mSB-files\/” will bind all files in the /SourceCode/mSB-files directory.
  4. Save the settings be hitting the SAVE button.

This action will create Service hooks which will be available in your Project under Service hooks.